
A headshot of Kazani, Kazani's green, blue, and white Avali character sticking their tongue out (but not disrespectfully).
Name Kazani (preferred)
Ohin Taylor (legal name)
R2Boyo25 (old username)
PersonalityINTP-T SexualityA[n]egosexual RomanticDemiromantic Age17.77 years TimeEnable JavaScript (UTC-5) PronounsThey/them
LocationIllinois, United States, North America, Earth, Sol, Milky Way, Local Group, Virgo, Laniakea, Pisces–Cetus

Hello! I'm Ohin Taylor, better known on the Internet as Kazani (the Avali).

My brain, in a grid.

Favorite Musical Artists Ivycomb, Peppsen, Wintergaten
Favorite TV Series Star Trek, Stargate (SG1, Universe, and Atlantis), [some of] Doctor Who
Favorite Video Games Minecraft, Space Engineers, and Factorio
Favorite Animals Avali, Protogens, Synths, Dragons, and cats
Favorite Food Grilled cheese sandwiches dipped in tomato soup
Favorite Website Wikipedia
Favorite Programming Language Rust and Haskell (cool-but-impractical language)
Favorite Operating System NixOS (Linux)


Impertio Used to generate this website!
Avalon Package Manager An old package manager that I occasionally update.
Mel My Discord bot template, written in Python. Used by my three Discord bots — Darksight, Canary, and The Ministry of Wisdom (a markov-chain-based text generator).
Villicus A process manager that is configured with TOML and has a web interface written with a small amount of Preact.
KazAI A Svelte-based client for a local OpenAI API-compatible server running LLaMA 2.